Do I Report a Car Accident to the DMV?
After a Crash: Reporting Requirements in Kansas
Getting into a vehicle accident, even small ones, can cause a lot of headaches. Fortunately, most accidents do not cause personal injuries. But when you find yourself in a vehicle collision, you may be faced with handling financial, legal and other documentation work. But you may be wondering, do I have to report a car accident to the DMV?
The Department of Motor Vehicles is one organization that you may have to deal with after you are involved in an accident. The Kansas DMV is a division of the Kansas Department of Revenue.
DMV Accident Reports
The Kansas Department of Motor Vehicles keeps tracks of a variety of reporting documents. These records include your driving record, your license, your license plate, and your vehicle title. For this reason, the DMV does get involved in some vehicle collisions.
If you get into an accident where the police are involved, the police will notify the DMV with their police reports. Because the DMV keeps track of your driving record, whichever driver(s) were at fault will be reported to them.
If you had a minor collision and no police officer was called to respond to it, you do not need to contact the DMV. If no tickets were issued and no claims need to be filed, there is probably no reason to report the accident to the DMV.
When Do You Need to Contact the DMV About an Accident?
If you were found at fault of a serious infraction, this can cause a lot of issues. You may have to pay more for your car insurance or even have your driver’s license suspended. Of course, you want to make sure you don’t face any consequences that you don’t have to.
Making sure the records are correct is one reason why you may choose to contact the DMV. It’s not required, but something worth doing if you suspect wrong information exists. If the officer reported something incorrect, you would want the DMV to correct the information. For example, if you were fined for not having proof of insurance but you do have insurance, you would notify the DMV with the correct information. You can expect to be asked to provide supporting documents of proof.
DMV Reporting & Your Insurance
Whatever gets reported to the DMV does not necessarily also get relayed to your insurance company. If you need to make an insurance claim on a vehicle accident, you would need to contact your insurance company separately.
An insurance company would not typically report anything to the Department of Motor Vehicles. If they do, it’s likely because there is an issue related to the records the DMV keeps, such as an insurance lapse or a conviction of a serious offense like a DUI.
An accident that is reported to the DMV will be added to the driving records they keep. It will remain on your record likely for several years. This is true no matter if you were the driver at fault or not.
Kansas Law: What You Have to Report
Every state has its own laws regarding what reporting is required after an accident. Here in Kansas, our law is pretty simple. Whether you get into a traffic accident in Wichita, Andover, or any town in Kansas, you only need to report it to the police.
But not every accident needs to be reported. Traffic accidents that you do NOT need to report include:
- Accidents where a police officer comes to the scene (they will report it themselves)
- An accident that does not result in property damages exceeding $1000
- An accident where no one was seriously injured or killed
Per Kansas state law, you need to file any necessary report as immediately as possible. If you do not report an accident that the law requires, your license could be suspended.
If your vehicle was damaged from an accident, you will want to find a reputable local auto body shop that can professional handle any and all problems with your vehicle. While some damage may be easy to spot, there may be other issues like unibody alignment problems that you may not be able to see but are very important to get fixed before driving your vehicle again.
Collision Center of Andover has been trusted to repair cars and trucks in the Wichita area since 2006. Do not wait to get your vehicle looked at if you suspect an alignment problem. Bring your vehicle in to our state-of-the-art auto body shop for a quick and thorough repair. If it’s too damaged to drive, you can utilize our towing services.
Our experienced technicians will check everything under the hood to make sure your vehicle is fixed and safe to drive. Give us a call at (316) 733-9310 or request a free quote online. We are conveniently located just a few miles east of Wichita on Andover Rd.
Minor Fender Bender Damage or Hidden Issues?
7 Common Ways a Small Car Accident Can Cause Big Problems
It happens to just about all of us. We run over a curb, tap a pole in the parking lot, hit a deer, or even lightly bump into another car. When a little accident happens and you go check out the extent of the fender bender damage, you are likely to find some dents and scratches. While it’s never great to realize your vehicle has been damaged, it’s likely a relief to find out it’s minor. It may seem that your small fender bender didn’t create any significant damage.
But did it?
Fender bender accidents are very common. A minor collision may not seem like reason enough to go to an auto repair shop immediately, but there is a good reason that it is. Sometimes the damage to your car from a very minor accident can actually leave you with real damage that will need to be addressed.
Why are fender benders sometimes big problems? Because many people don’t see the problem. Or they underestimate the damage and ignore it.
Let’s say a person has a minor accident that appears to have left behind a few scratches. So they decide their vehicle doesn’t need to go to the auto repair shop. But in reality, the vehicle did suffer damage beyond the paint. And, being left ignored, this damage gets worse and causes even bigger problems for your vehicle.
Leaving fender bender damage ignored for too long is the wrong thing to do. What could have been a small and inexpensive repair can quickly turn into a major, costly problem.
What To Look For
A fender bender can cause a surprising amount of damage to your car. A lot of these problems are not immediately evident. But days or weeks (or even months) after some slight run-in, you may discover something is definitely not right with your vehicle. Here is a list of just some of the problems that can be caused by even the smallest of fender benders.
Your car’s bumper is designed to best protect your vehicle from damage when it runs into another vehicle’s bumper. But take a look at the different types and sizes of vehicles out there – from Smart Cars to Hummers – and you’ll see bumpers don’t always line up with each other. Bumpers do a bigger job these days. Not only is your vehicle’s bumper supposed to absorb a relatively minor impact, it’s also housing several important sensors. - SENSORS
There are sensors on parts of your vehicle that could easily be impacted by a minor impact. These are the sensors that give you such assistance as your blind spot warning and cruise control information. You may have a minor fender bender one day to discover a week later that a lot of those high-tech components in your vehicle no longer work. - ALIGNMENT
Sometimes a small accident can create a shift in your vehicle’s alignment. The impact may have put, even slightly, your wheels or suspension out of place. A slight amount of change can create large problems over time if left ignored. Your vehicle could have suffered structural damage from what seemed like a slight accident. That damage may be too minor to notice with a simple visual inspection, but structural problems could leave your vehicle less able to handle the impact of a future crash. - ELECTRICAL
There are a lot of electrical components inside your vehicle. Even a minor fender bender could loosen some wires. Days or weeks after a small accident, you could suddenly find yourself with an electrical short somewhere in your car. Perhaps your power windows are stuck open or your locks are malfunctioning. - AIR CONDITIONER
The air conditioner in vehicles is typically mounted in the front. An accident that affects the front of your vehicle could impact the AC. Over time, the condenser could leak refrigerant which will leave you in a hot car. But it could be worse than that. A damaged or broken radiator will likely leak coolant. Pretty soon you can find out that your engine is overheating. - RUST
Did your vehicle suffer a little scratch or rubbed-off paint? Even this is likely to lead to bigger problems down the road. The underlying metal may now be exposed to the elements, causing it to rust. - WINDSHIELD CHIP
A tiny chip or crack in your windshield is almost guaranteed to grow. And with it, the cost to fix it. Once you notice even a tiny crack in your windshield, you will want to get that replaced.
When Does a Fender Bender Require Repairs From an Auto Body Shop?
Well, the safest answer is that you should head to a mechanic after any run-in where you notice any possible damage. If you were jarred by some impact or bump, it’s always best to have a professional mechanic check under the hood and elsewhere along your vehicle to ensure everything is fine.
Best case scenario: you leave paying a minimal fee for the inspection with nothing wrong. Even better, you take it to our experienced auto body mechanics at Collision Center where we do NOT charge a fee if we find nothing wrong. The next best-case scenario: an auto repair technician finds something relatively minor wrong that they can fix easily and cheaply. With this small problem fixed, you’ve avoided being suddenly surprised by a major problem down the road.
At Collision Center of Andover, we’re the team of qualified auto body shop technicians in south-central Kansas to handle everything from cosmetic damage to suspension work. From chips in your windshield, and dents in your hood to full-line collision repair, everything is handled in our state-of-the-art auto body shop. We’ve been servicing vehicles for people in Wichita, Andover, and surrounding communities since 2006. Give us a call at (316) 733-9310.
Oh deer! What happens AFTER I hit a deer?
What To Do After a Deer Accident
It can happen in an instant. You see a blur, an object suddenly ahead of you on the road. There’s no time to avoid it. You’ve hit a deer. And now your vehicle has probably suffered damage from hitting a deer. It happens to more than a million of us every year in the U.S.
Here in the Wichita area, we see a lot of vehicles come in to Collision Center of Andover damaged by a deer accident. While there’s not much you can do to prevent it, there are some basic steps every driver needs to know to do if this startling situation happens to them.
What’s the cost?
The average collision with a deer ends up costing each driver on average about $3000 – $4000. But some collisions can end up costing as much as $10,000 or higher.
When am I at the greatest risk for hitting a deer?
Watch out especially on your way to the pumpkin patch or out to Thanksgiving dinner. In Kansas, during the fall and early winter is when you face your biggest risk for hitting a deer. Dawn and dusk are the two times of day when deer are most active and most likely to run out on the road.
After I hit a deer, what do I do?
- Pull your vehicle off to the side of the road or other safe place. Be sure it’s at enough of a distance from other drivers. Chances are this accident happened at dawn or dusk, when the light isn’t great to see everything around you.
- Call the police. If the collision resulted in injury or damage to your vehicle or other property, you may need to fill out an official report. This report may be helpful for your insurance claim.
- Get out your cell phone’s camera. While now is not the time for a selfie, it is definitely the time to take photos. Be sure to get plenty:
- Damage to your vehicle
- Damage to any other property
- The roadway and your surroundings
- Injuries you or your passengers sustained
Be sure you’re watching the road and your surroundings so that you are staying safe while you are taking these photos.
- Is the animal still alive? Steer clear of it. An injured and frightened deer could cause you damage with its legs and hooves.
- Take a pause before pulling back out on the road. Your car might not actually be safe to drive. Look for broken lights, leaking fluid, tire damage or other safety hazards. If anything seems off making it not safe to drive, call us for a tow. The Collision Center of Andover provides 24/7 quick, full-service towing to Wichita and Andover, towing any passenger vehicle to any destination or the shop of your choice. Call (316) 719-2100.
- Contact your auto insurance agent so they can start work immediately on your claim. Deer collision claims are usually covered under comprehensive insurance, not collision. Or to make things easier, when you call our shop just ask for Insurance Claims Assistance and we’ll work to help handle the process.
Animal collisions of any kind are unfortunate. The key to minimizing the damage is to follow the basic steps for your vehicle and others around you to make sure you aren’t put into any more danger. The best things you can do in advance is to check your insurance and see if you’re properly covered if you were to hit a deer. Also be sure to have a trusted repair shop ready to call if an accident happens to you. Better yet, find a repair shop that also will handle your towing!
Collision Center of Andover offers high-quality, reliable repair and towing service. Check out our before-and-after examples to see how we can completely fix your dented car from a deer collision or other accident. From full-line collision repair, paintless dent repair to mechanical repairs and more, count on the auto repair experts to get your vehicle running and back in shape.
Car Insurance Claim Do’s and Don’ts
No matter how great of a driver you are, there is a chance that you will be in a car accident at some point within your life. Accidents happen, and regardless of whether they were your fault, someone else’s fault, or were an “Act of God” accident, you need to know how to protect yourself when filing a car insurance claim. They say that the average for someone to be involved in a collision of some kind is every 7 years.
Use this blog as your personal guide to filing a claim, what to use, and how to protect yourself from things like rising rates, being dropped by your insurance, or completely destroying your reputation with your company. Here at Collision Center of Andover, we offer Insurance Claim Assistance – various car insurance companies have partnered with us to fast track vehicle repairs.
When should I file a car insurance claim?
It doesn’t matter if you were in an accident with another person, a tree, or a golf-ball sized piece of hail, you need to contact your car insurance company ASAP after a car collision. Do not wait a few days, especially if it makes your car inoperable or unsafe to drive.
Remember that you will also need to file if your vehicle is vandalized, stolen, and damaged from a non-accident event.
If you are having trouble finding your insurance agent’s number, you should simply look at the front of your insurance card. If your card isn’t available (due to an accident or if it was ruined in a fire), you should also be able to look online.
What will I need when I file ?
According to, you will need the following information:
- Your full name and policy number (look on your insurance card or statement).
- The timeframe of your policy.
- Date, time, and location of the incident.
- Names, addresses, and phone numbers of all drivers, passengers, and witnesses.
- Driver’s license and license plate numbers for all drivers.
If you are having trouble locating your policy number on your card, here is where you may find them on the national insurance companies’ cards:
Depending on the accident and your insurance company, you might also have to fill out a sworn statement of the event. You should also take photos of the damages, the injuries, and the license plates.
How do I file a claim?
Once you have contact your insurance company, you will likely have to go through a few different steps to have it successfully completed. There are about five of them, which come from All State, though the number may vary depending on a variety of variables:
- A professional at the car insurance company will look at your claim and discuss where to take the case from there.
- Often, the second step is to meet with the insurance professional to talk about what happened, what your company covers, and where to go from here.
- The professional will come look at your car (usually at a collision center), examine any of the injury claims, and then make an initial payment.
- The company will then see that whatever plans they made in the first few steps are followed up and payments are dispense.
- The case is closed and you may have a hike in your coverage, or you may have a “get out of jail free accident.”
Property Damage Claims
You should know that while many states require property damage coverage, that doesn’t cover your own car. It does, however, cover the other person’s car.
There are two types of coverage that can take care of damage to your car:
- Collision Coverage – pays for damages to your vehicle
- Comprehensive Coverage – covers damages to your car that aren’t related to an accident
You can get other type of insurances as well, depending on your car:
- Uninsured motorist damage – this type of insurance helps to pay for your car when the driver that you hit does not have insurance.
- Gap insurance – covers the difference if you have a leased or loaned car and it is totaled.
- Glass coverage – replaces the “glass” that can be ruined during an accident – windshields, mirrors, or windows.
Quick Call Do’s and Don’ts
These are the different things that you should and shouldn’t do when you are filing a car insurance claim:
DO read your car insurance policy when you first sign up for it.
DO NOT wait for an accident to know what your policy covers.
DO contact your insurance company as soon as possible.
DO NOT wait a few weeks or “feel out” how much it will cost you.
DO be honest with your insurance company about the state of the accident.
DO NOT try to hide any details, as that could forfeit your rights to file.
DO gather information about your accident. Including photos, contact information, and the insurance information of the other person.
DO NOT volunteer information to police officers. Answer the questions, but STICK TO THE FACTS.
DO keep records of every communication you have with anyone involved in the claim and the accident.
DO NOT sign waivers or releases without talking to your insurance company.
DO save receipts and bills for what you have paid. This includes repair work, medical treatments, and other losses.
DO NOT admit liability, even if you were at fault.
Contact Us
No matter what, if you are in an accident, Collision Center of Andover will be on your side and try to help get you back into your car as soon as possible. Whether the accident just resulted in a few dents or whether you will need major repairs, we can help you out.
With many years of experience, we will be able to work with you and your insurance company to get the best possible results. Simply contact us today or give us a call at 316-733-9310 to get started!
Trust your vehicle to the collision experts. Collision Center of Andover is an independently-owned auto repair shop providing outstanding service with a lifetime guarantee on our workmanship. Whether you need service or repair on your car or truck, we will tell you upfront what will be done before we get started.
Contact us today to get your vehicle back in perfect shape and back on the road!
Our full-service, state-of-the-art repair shop serves communities in and around Wichita. We are conveniently located just a couple miles east of Wichita at 948 N. Andover Rd. just off I-35 in Andover. Call us today at (316) 733-9310.

Can’t drive to us? Contact our convenient towing service available 24/7 in Sedgwick County and Butler County. Call (316) 719-2100.
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Office address
948 N. Andover Rd,
Andover, KS 67002
From US - 54 E, take S. Andover Road South (left). 948 N. Andover Road is 1.66 miles on the right.